Bug Search with Google!


SharePoint 2436 error 0x80041201 --difficult to find simple solution

Daniel Pardoen found this and reported it at

Issue EventID 2436

Example:  Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Windows SharePoint Services 3 Search
Event Category: Gatherer
Event ID: 2436
Date: 5/21/2009
Time: 12:17:04 PM
User: N/A
Computer: GSLTEST
The start address
< sts3://gsltest/contentdbid={df9c57de-f553-4118-b0b3-2ba46bbe 7f40}> cannot be

Context: Application 'Search index file on the search server', Catalog

The object was not found. (0x80041201)

Daniel Wrote:
Maybe this will help you:
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------
Answering my own question whit al little bit of help from Asim Dadan from
Microsoft support in India. (Off course it is not sure or this is helping you
whit the same problem you have on your SharePoint server because this event
error is al little bit general.)

As I already thought when I was writing the original post, this error also
appears when you don’t have a root site on your server. The search need to
start whit a root site before it can jump to other sites.

Your server name is “MYSERVER” and you have created a site
http://MYSERVER:84/Sites/myportal or http://MYSERVER/Sites/myportal.

The site myportal isn’t on the root. When you browse to http://myserver or
http://myserver:84 you get a page cannot be displayed.

When you create a root site (Application Management / SharePoint Site
Management / Create site collection) the search starts working again.

In my opinion it is a bit strange that this is needed but I am just a simple

I hope this helps more people solving this issue.

Daniel Pardoen


It took hours to find this...

SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration /Application Management / SharePoint Site
Management / Create site collection

Create an empty site at the "/" level.

Now everything works as advertised and the 2436 errors stop.